Jaw-breaking answers to insulting comments of atheists

Started by ওয়াশিকুর বাবু, July 26, 2014, 05:46:17 PM

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ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Let us give a jaw-breaking reply to the insulting comments of atheists about Islam

Insulting comment 1: Muhammad smashed the Pagan idols of the Ka'ba. He banned adoption in Islam, so that he could marry his adopted son's wife. He imposed veil on women.

Jaw-breaking answer: See, certain customs practised in a society doesn't mean they are good. We have to understand that Prophet Muhammad was the greatest social reformer of all times. He abolished many social customs and introduced new ones for the good and progress of society. There lies far-reaching well-being for mankind behind his every step.

Insulting comment 2: Muhammad used to rape captive women. He had multiple wives, concubines and sex-slaves. He married an underage girl. He killed non-Muslims or banished them.

Jaw-breaking answer: This proves that atheists are truly idiots. Well, these customs were all part of the then Arab society. If circumstances demand, what is wrong in following a custom already in practise in a society? In fact, despite being against Islam, atheists know nothing about it.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 3: Raping of war-captives and slave-women is allowed in Islam.

Jaw-breaking answer: See, we must not raise the issue of who did what in the distant past. Muslims are are not raping female slaves any more, are they?

Insulting comment 4: Even today Muslims in many places practise barbaric customs like Hilla Marriage (Temporary Marriage), female genital mutilations etc.

Jaw-breaking answer: If Muslims do wrong things today, why Islam must be held responsible for that. They are not true Muslims. We must see how the prophet and his companions used to practise Islam.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 5: There is no freedom of choice in Islam. One must stick to the religion he/she is born into and must be killed if abandons it.

Jaw-breaking answer: See, abandoning one's religion means betraying one's family and tribe. Do you obtain your fatherland by freedom of choice or by birth? Some matters are beyond dispute. So is religion.

Insulting comment 6: Islam has condemned the followers of other religions to hell-fire. But one can't be held responsible for the religion of one's birth. Then, why must all non-Muslims must burn in hell-fire despite many of them doing good work in life.

Jaw-breaking answer: Why must one stick to one's religion of birth? Doesn't he/she has the sense of judgement? Doesn't he/she understand the difference between good and bad?

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 7: There are many objectionable statements about women in hadiths. Women have been compared with horses, dogs, and donkey etc. They have been called a curse for men, and men have been permitted to beat them. Can a prophet of God say such deplorable things about women?

Jaw-breaking answer: See, Allah has safeguarded the holy Quran, not hadiths. Hadiths have been tempered with by men; so there may be errors in them. Moreover, the conspiratorial Jews and Christians have inserted many false information into Hadiths to harm Islam. So, we must focus on the Quran and put Hadiths aside. The holy Quran must be the sole source of Islam.

Insulting comment 8: The Quran has compared women to tilth (field for ploughing).

Jaw-breaking answer: Picking a verse in isolation to find problems with the Quran is not right. We must know in what context the verse was revealed. To know the context, we must read hadiths.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 9: Muslims are very vocal about oppression of Muslims in other countries, but maintain complete silence about the oppression of non-Muslims in their own countries.

Jaw-breaking answer: See, Allah has identified all Muslims as brothers of each other. Brothers should show concerns for brothers, shouldn't they?

Insulting comment 10: If Muslims are brothers to each other, they why are there so much divisions among Muslims? Why so much intra-Muslim violence and blood-bath?

Jaw-breaking answer: See, our holy prophet himself has said that Muslims will be divided into 73 sects. Divisions among Muslims just prove how correct the prophecy of our prophet was.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 11: In Islam, punishment for sex outside marriage or adultery is 80 lashes or stoning to death. When two persons develop physical relations out of liking for each other, why must kill them or punish in such barbaric manner? Isn't in inhuman?

Jaw-breaking answer: See, freedom in sex can never be acceptable. It increases extra-marital affairs. Moreover, it transform women into commodity in the name of freedom.

Insulting comment 12: How can a horrible crime like raping captive women be acceptable?

Jaw-breaking answer: See, the captive women, impressed at the heroism of the Muslim fighters, used to engage in sex with them willingly. Don't you see that it gave pleasures to them as well? And the slave women had to be provided with subsistence. As a result, they found security, and could live their life honorably.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 13: Muslims talk about going back to the Islamic way of life of 13 hundred years ago. It is useless today.

Jaw-breaking answer: See, Islam is a 'complete code of life'. It has answers to every problems of life.

Insulting comment 14: But Muslims are too willing to enjoy the goodness of the modern life devised by non-Muslims.

Jaw-breaking answer: See, Islam is a flexible religion. It allows change.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 15: Muslims engage in blood-bath in reaction to ridicules of Islam or its prophet. Is it acceptable?

Jaw-breaking answer: Ridiculing Islam or its prophet amounts to hurting the feelings of 150 crore Muslims. This is an unpardonable crime.

Insulting comment 16: Muslims also insult other religions. Doesn't that hurt the feelings of non-Muslims?

Jaw-breaking answer: See, must we show respect to belief in false religion? If someone's belief is funny, why can't we make fun of it?

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 17: Islam does not encourage exercise of knowledge. It only encourage gaining the knowledge of the Quran and hadith, i.e. Islamic knowledge.

Jaw-breaking answer: See, you have very little knowledge about Islam. The Quran is the mine of all knowledge. And our prophet has said, 'Go up to far-off China for gaining knowledge'. Islam fundamentally is a complete way of life. It has scopes for gaining knowledge about all things. You surely have heard about Ibn Sina, Al Razi et al.

Insulting comment 18: Why then do Muslims in Bangladesh hate Aroj Ali Matubbar, Humayun Azad? Why don't they allow inclusion of Evolution in academic curriculum.

Jaw-breaking answer: See, these people mislead the masses by saying treacherous things. And what is the use of such worldly knowledge? Earthly life is short; afterlife is eternal. Gaining too much knowledge may lead one to atheism and lose the afterlife.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 19: The Quran verse 21:32 says, 'And We made the sky a protected roof, but they, from its signs, are turning away.' Yet, science says, there exist nothing like the sky. How then can the Quran be a book of science?

Jaw-breaking answer: You see, the Ozone-sphere has been symbolically called the sky here. You certainly know that the Ozone-sphere protects us from harmful radiation of the sun. While science has discovered this fact only recently, the holy Quran said it 1400 years ago.

Insulting comment 20: But verse 67:5 of the Quran say, 'And We have certainly beautified the lowest sky with stars...'

Jaw-breaking answer: See, science doesn't believe in the existence of anything like the sky does not necessarily mean that there is no sky. Scientists have not been able to go to the end of the Universe. A vast part of the Universe is still outside our knowledge. So, we can say that the sky exist. And our world and the Universe is situated within the first sky along with all the stars.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 21: Islam is claimed to be 'the best and the complete way of life'. Does that mean that slavery is valid for eternity?

Jaw-crushing answer: See, Islam is a humane religion. Slavery was not forbidden because of the situation of that time. But there scope for 'qiyas and ijma' (consensus and reconsideration) in Islam. That means any custom can be abolished.

Insulting comment 22: Why then Muslims are not agreeing to equal inheritance for girls through 'qiyas and ijma'.

Jaw-crushing answer: See, Islam is a 'perfect and complete way of life'. Its 'codes of life' has been formulated for the overall welfare of humanity. Islam has basically given women the highest honor. But you want to abolish the laws of Allah for the sake of inconsequential earthly benefits. This is not acceptable.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 23: Muhammad gave orders to kill Asma binte Marwan for ridiculing him. Even today Muslims demand death for ridiculing Muhammad. Can the honor of a person, however great he may be, be greater than someone's life?

Jaw-crushing answer: You see, Muhammad was not simply a great man. He was the Rahmatullil al-Amin (Mercy to the believers). Had he not been created, there would not have been the heaven and earth, the planets and the stars, the moon and the sun, the animal kingdom – nothing. It is said that humans were created because of Muhammad. Therefore, ridiculing him is never acceptable.

Insulting comment 24: If humans came to this world because of Muhammad, then Muhammad came because of whom?

Jaw-crushing answer: See, before Muhammad, entire humanity was sunk in the 'darkness of ignorance'. Had he not come, humankind would still be sunk in barbarism. Muhammad came solely to save mankind. Therefore, it can be said that Muhammad was sent for humanity.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 25: Muslims always claim that atheists criticize Islam without knowing anything about it. But in fact, atheists know more about Islam than most Muslims.

Jaw-crushing answer: See, most Muslims are sunk in earthly enjoyment. They have distanced themselves from Islamic knowledge. Therefore, it is not right to compare with them. You have to know about Islam from hoqqani scholars. Only then will you get the real idea about Islam. Like you need a teacher to learn about any earthy subject, you need the guidance of Islamic scholars to learn about Islam.

Insulting comment 26: But when you hear the speeches and statements of Islamic scholars in Islamic gatherings (waaj mahfils) and see their activities, then it seems what atheists say about Islam is correct.

Jaw-crushing answer: See, there is no true Islamic scholars in the modern age. They have all, enticed by earthly greed, have turned to religious business. They use religion for their self interest. But why must you put the responsibility of these few misguided Mullahs on the shoulder of Islam. Read the Quran and Hadith from your own consideration. Then you will know what is true Islam.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 27: Is there any proof to substantiate that the Quran is the word of God other than the Quran's own claim.

Jaw-crushing answer: Muhammad said in his own words that the Quran is the word of God. Since Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, his claims are true.

Insulting comment 28: What is the proof that Muhammad was Allah's messenger?

Jaw-crushing answer: Why? The Holy Quran? The Quran claims that Muhammad was the messenger of Allah. And since the Quran is God's word, its claims must be true.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 29: Muslims claim that Islam is a humane religion. Yet we find many inhuman and barbaric commandments in the Quran and Hadith. How can then Islam be a humane religion?

Jaw-crushing answer: See, Islam is religion 100% in agreement with science. None other than Allah could reveal a religion that is absolutely flawless and compatible with science. And there can be nothing barbaric in God's religion. The barbaric customs have been inserted into Islam by humans. Therefore, whatever barbaric customs are there in Islam must be deemed man-made and discarded. Islam is, thus, a humane religion.

Insulting comment 30: Despite the claims of 100% agreement to science, message of many verses of the Quran as well as of hadiths is contrary to science. How then can Islam be 100% compliant to science.

Jaw-crushing answer: Islam is a 100% humane religion. And none other than Allah could established such a completely humane religion. And there can be no unscientific information in God's religion. The unscientific hadiths must be considered human inventions and discarded. And there is no verse in the Quran that is unscientific. Many verses may appear unscientific because of the distortion of their meanings. If proper meanings are applied to those verses, Islam will become 100% compatible with science.