Jaw-breaking answers to insulting comments of atheists

Started by ওয়াশিকুর বাবু, July 26, 2014, 05:46:17 PM

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ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 31: If someone criticizes Islam, Muslims accuse the critic to be a Hindu in disguise. They also claim that those criticisms are inventions of Christian missionaries. But what is the problem even if the critic is a Hindu, Christian or non- Muslim? They are also human beings, aren't they?

Jaw-crushing answer: You see, only Muslims are the followers of Islam. Non-Muslims have no right to criticize Islam. Why don't they criticize the religion they practise? Criticizing the religions of others without minding to one's own religion is an unrighteous exercise and unacceptable.

Insulting comment 32: Why then do Muslims become so exited when non-Muslim intellectuals praise Islam or Muhammad?

Jaw-crushing answer: Islam has not come for Muslim alone. Allah has established Islam through the prophet for the greater welfare of entire mankind. Non-Muslims praise Islam only when they realize the truth of Islam. This is a victory for Muslims.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 33: Pious Muslims always blame the lack of veil and freedom of women etc. as reasons for rape. Doesn't that, in effect, encourage rapists? Rapists use these as excuse for raping.

Jaw-crushing answer: See, nobody becomes a rapist on his own accord. What encourages rape is the lewd and mischievous behaviors of women, free mixing of men and women etc., in the name of freedom of women. In fact, the more people strays from Islam, the more rape happens. Therefore, only criticizing rapists without looking into the real causes will not eradicate rape.

Insulting comment 34: Muslims often rape non-Muslim women in the name of religion, because they are considered 'spoils of war' in Islam. Moreover, Mullahs often rape little children. Why religion is not criticized in such cases?

Jaw-crushing answer: See, only the rapist is responsible for rape. Someone may misuse religion as excuse for rape. But why religion must take the blame for it?

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 35: What is the proof that we humans as well as the world or the entire universe were created by Allah?

Jaw-crushing answer: Nothing can be created on its own. Everything has a creator. Have the nice clothes you wear came about on their own, or someone produced them? When even things like negligible clothes need producers, then the much more complex and vast universe certainly has a Creator. And He is Allah.

Insulting comment 36: If everything has its creator, then Who is the Creator of Allah?

Jaw-crushing answer: It is a wrong idea that everything must have its creator. It has to start somewhere. And that start is Allah. Allah is Self-created. He has no Creator.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 37: Allah decides what will happen in the future. That means, Allah knows in advance that a person will commit crimes. Since humans has no powers to defy the power of Allah, why must they suffer for sins that they commit as per Allah's wish.

Jaw-crushing answer: See, Allah certainly know what his created beings will do in the future. But whether someone will commit sinful or virtuous act depends on that person. Therefore, the person must suffer for committing sins.

Insulting comment 38: If humans have the power to determine their future, how then Allah decides what happens in the future?

Jaw-crushing answer: Allah certainly decides the path of sin and virtue, but He also knows which path His creations will follow. Therefore, Allah is certainly the decider of the future.

ওয়াশিকুর বাবু

Insulting comment 39: Whenever the cruel verses of the Quran are presented, Muslims say that one must know their contexts, that mention of isolated verses mean nothing. Isn't whatever is said in a verse enough to understand its message?

Jaw-crushing answer: See, understanding the Quran is not that easy. For that, under what circumstances a particular verse was revealed and what the preceding and proceeding verses says must be understood as well. Else, one may arrive at a wrong interpretation about its message.

Insulting comment 40: Then why Muslims mention the apparently peaceful verses of the Quran without bothering about their contexts as well as the preceding and proceeding verses.

Jaw-crushing answer: Because Allah Himself has said, "I have revealed the Quran in simple language so that you can understand it easily." Where the meaning of a verse can be understood easily, why unnecessarily make things complicated by bothering about their contexts, and the preceding and proceeding verses?