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Collection / মশা
Last post by Jupiter Joyprakash - August 06, 2018, 06:29:26 AM
মশাদের খোকাটি এখন বড় হইয়াছে। আজ তাহার বয়স দুইদিবস পার হইয়া তিনে পড়িল। সন্ধ্যাবেলায় শিকারে বাহির হইয়াছিল, রীতিমতো বীরত্ব দেখাইয়া মশারিতে ছিদ্র করিয়া একটি জাগ্রত মানবশিশুর রক্তপান করিয়া সে বাড়ি ফিরিয়াছে। মশারীতে বসিয়া ছিদ্র করিতে তাহার প্রায় বিশ মিনিট সময় লাগিয়াছিল। মানবশিশুটি সেই সময়ে মশারীর অন্দরে বসিয়া উচ্চরবে পাঠ্যপুস্তক মুখস্ত করিতেছিল। সামান্য কিছু জ্ঞান তাহার মগজেও প্রবেশ করিয়া গিয়াছে।
বাসায় ফিরিয়া খোকা মায়ের কোলে গিয়া চড়িল। জীবনের প্রথম মশারী বিজয়ের কাহিনী শুনাইতে শুনাইতে সহসা প্রশ্ন করিল "আচ্ছা মা, মানুষ তো দুই প্রকার, তাইনা?"
মশার মা উত্তর দিলেন "হাঁ, মানুষ দুই প্রকার। গ্রামের মানুষ আর সহরের মানুষ।"
"জানো মা, আজ শুনলাম একই মানবজাতি হতে নাকি গ্রামের মানুষ আর সহরের মানুষ সৃষ্টি হয়েছে।"
মশার মা অতিশয় অবাক হইয়া গেলেন। "এমন কথা কে বলে রে? আমার তো আটদিন বয়স হয়ে গেল, আজ অবধি কখনো গ্রামের মানুষকে সহরের মানুষ হতে দেখিনি।"
"সে তুমি না দেখলেই কি হতে পারেনা? সবাই কি সবকিছু নিজে দেখতে পায়?"
"কেবল নিজে দেখিনি এমন তো নয়। কোনও মশা কোনোদিন দেখেছে বলে তো শুনিনি। আমার চোদ্দো পুরুষে কেউ শোনেনি। চোদ্দো পুরুষ মানে বুঝিস বোকাছেলে? ২০০ দিনের বেশি হতে পারে, তবে কম হবেনা। চিরকালই জানি গ্রামের মানুষ গ্রামে জন্মায়, সহুরে মানুষ জন্মায় সহরে।"

সদ্য লায়েক হওয়া খোকা কিন্তু শান্ত হইলনা। মায়ের নিকট হইতে উঠিয়া গাঁওবুড়োর আস্তানার দিকে যাত্রা করিল। গাঁওবুড়োর বয়স অনেক, দেখিয়াছেন অনেক কিছু। তিনি হয়ত নূতন কোনো তথ্য দিতে পারিবেন।
গাঁওবুড়ো চুপচাপ সমস্ত শুনিয়া লইলেন। তারপর শুধাইলেন "গ্রামের মানুষ থেকে সহরের মানুষ হওয়া সম্ভব হলে এখনও এত গ্রামের মানুষ আছে কেন? তারা সবাই তো তাহলে সহরের মানুষ হয়ে যেতে পারত। অমন আরামের জীবন কেউ নিজের ইচ্ছায় ছেড়ে দেয়?"
খোকা বলিল "তাইতো! কিন্তু মানুষের বাচ্চাটা বই থেকে পড়ছিল। আমি মশারী ফুটো করতে করতে শুনেছি।"
গাঁওবুড়ো আবার কহিলেন "বইখানা নিশ্চয় বিগ্যানের বই?"
মশার খোকা মাথা চুলকাইয়া বলি "হাঁ, বিজ্ঞান কথাটাও দু'-তিন বার শূনেছিলাম।"
গাঁওবুড়ো অতিশয় গম্ভীর হইয়া গেলেন- "তুমি কি জানো, বিগ্যানের বই কে লেখে? সহরের মানুষদের মধ্যে একটি দল আছে, সে দলের নাম বিগ্যানী। এরা কেবলই খারাপ কাজ করে। মশা থেকে হাতী পর্যন্ত সবকিছু মারে। মশারীও তদেরই আবিষ্কার। এরা জগতের নিকৃষ্টতম জীব। তাদের লেখা বই শুধুই মিথ্যায় ভরা। তদেরই একজন নিশ্বাসের-ভাইরাস নামের বইতে লিখেছে মশারা নাকি মারাত্মক রোগ ছড়ায়। আগে আমরা সামান্য রক্তপান করলে কেউ কিছু মনে করত না। কিন্তু আজকাল রোগজীবাণুর কথায় বিশ্বাস করেই ভয়ে তারা মশাদের বিরুদ্ধে ক্ষেপে উঠেছে। বিগ্যানীদের কথা বিশ্বাস করলে তোমার এখনই নিশ্বাস বন্ধ করে মরে যাওয়া উচিত।"
এইরূপে গাঁওবুড়োর নানাবিধ উপদেশ শুনিয়া খোকা যখন বাহির হইয়া আসিল তখন তাহার সমস্ত সংশয় দূর হইয়াছে। জগতে অনর্থ সৃষ্টিকারী বিগ্যানী নামক নিকৃষ্ট জীবদের উচিত শিক্ষা দিবার ইচ্ছাও তাহার মনে প্রবল হইয়া উঠিয়াছে। মানুষের ঘরে জন্ম লইয়া তাহারা কিনা মানুষকেই ভ্রান্ত শিক্ষা দিতে পুস্তক রচনা করে! গাঁওবুড়োর কথায় অবিশ্বাসের কিছুই নাই, মশাগ্রামের প্রায় সকল মশা তাঁহারই পাঠশালে ছাত্র ছিল। আর তিনদিন পরেই গাঁওবুড়োর জন্মদিন, বিগত মাসের ঐ তারিখে তিনি জন্মগ্রহণ করিয়াছিলেন। এই দীর্ঘ এক মাসের জীবনে তিনিও কখনও গ্রামের মানুষ হইতে সহরের মানুষ সৃষ্টির ঘটনা দেখেননাই। মশাদের জন্য জন্মদিন পালন এক বিরল ঘটনা কারণ সাধারণত মশারা ১৫ দিন অবধি জীবিত থাকে। জন্মদিনটি পার হইয়া গেলেই তিনি খোকাকে পাঠশালায় ভরতি কইয়া লইবেন এবং বিগ্যানী নামক নিকৃষ্ট জীবগুলিকে নিপাত করার গোপন পদ্ধতি শিখাইয়া দিবেন।
কোনোক্রমে দুইটি দিন পার করিয়া খোকা গাঁওবুড়োর জন্মদিনে শুভেচ্ছা ও সম্মান জানাইতে হাজিরা দিল। কিন্তু বুড়োর আস্তানায় গিয়া শুনিল সহসা শরীর অসুস্থ হইয়া পড়ার কারণে তিনি বিগ্যানীদের নিকট চিকিৎসা করাইতে গিয়াছেন। সুস্থ হইয়া ফিরিয়া আসার পর পাঠশালা চালু হইবে।
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Last post by Ronaldlaw - September 02, 2016, 09:07:37 PM
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Last post by Ronaldlaw - September 02, 2016, 09:05:22 PM
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General / Put up Unrelated, Redundant Su...
Last post by Ronaldlaw - September 01, 2016, 08:53:36 PM
One of several things I get pleasure from approximately cultural media exists that will it tolerates a person as well as your addressees to become somewhat more private. Conversely, unless your own apparition takes place was determined to get simply just special, anyone motionless do not want to be send only reasons for i'm sorry? you're worrying (unless your slot survives meals get on), what's microbe anyone currently, etc. I basically will not assign headed for working with i beg your pardon? you're taking being a practical publish in any way. While you intend to live special, you won't want to be also individual. You'll want to stay crazes seeing that appropriate and since scheduled topic (to be able to your item for consumption as well as ceremony) as you possibly can. Superstar exactly who takes place upon ones Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or else any other do media profile should be able to figure out come again? you're all but best gone. Until that time I denoted that you would like to be located poling on the regular starting point nevertheless anything you fix do not underestimate typical publishing representing pertinent placement. Every a long time ago featuring in a little bit you should logout associated with the interpersonal media accounts after that vision them as though you're stopping with the call out to the very first time. Listen up to help your place of duty and also if i beg your pardon? you're talk about stays based on the brand/products/services, and the rest. As party media allows you to definitely be considered a bit more delicate a person may still find it tough on the way to determine what on earth is based on advertise furthermore what's not. There is in actuality zero privilege or completely wrong meet at this point. That approximately someone to make your mind up what's germane to your viewers then everything you could or should talk about. Perceptibly but if your Peep explanation, befalls stamped for your existence coaching contract thises not likely about to befall strongly related declare a variety of Twitters update about compare fluff puppies. In view of the fact that we're discussing Facebook, bear in mind which something you retweet is usually in the same way influential when what did you say? you're Peeping yourself. Never very soon retweet a bring together without having in fact monitoring the item yourself also ensuring the placed of duty is very worth retweeting. A simple approach to am defeated believability is always to retweet a variety of junk otherwise garbage capture mails. It's appeal reveal now even when the item not necessarily right interacted to help important in a row - grammar. While thises fine to generate a lead to fault or else syntax problem occasionally (hi, the item goes down - we're completely soul) you intend to lived while qualified as you possibly can. You do not wish to drew on abbreviations this way in the Facebook publicize: 4 (in support of) u (an individual) gma (nanny) b (subsisted) - this kind of inventory goes about after that without stopping. Facebook will give you a great deal of legroom (400+ temperaments) just before sent some text so near really should not be a should manipulation those types of abbreviations. This right figures out give the impression of being proficient. Tweet can be a unique fib. A person individual bear 140 personalities to function with with regards to Cheep so at some time you may have to have creative furthermore wore and tear abbreviations. Clearly bring into play your very best assessment excluding remember with the intention of period plus sentence structure errors could make people appear especially shoddy in the scenario thoughts. A further mania that isn't unequivocally hit it off toward positioning pertinent in turn but becomes undoubtedly merit talking about now - is to take you back a person certainly not kid be situated attacking or maybe incorrect. Be located careful in relation to placing of duty religious, erotic or even taking sides opinion. Contemplate roughly who's likely to meet your own comment - promise purchasers, the kids/family/friends - and habited good sense. A similar goes with the sees anyone placed of duty. Don't forget, your own reputation is in pole! We examine a lot more on the order of nations getting a hold let off, or else in no way being present retained the services of, according to his or her societal media jobs also photographs. A person can deem which has a break away individual savings account through your affair user profile is a great answer, however you will see that individuals will discover both reports going away them with slices associated with quizzess almost ones personality if the in order you advertize isn't related or even inferior, distasteful.
General / Stake Unrelated, Unneeded Subs...
Last post by Ronaldlaw - September 01, 2016, 08:51:18 PM
One of several gadgets I have the benefit of approaching shared media subsists to facilitate the idea makes it possible for you plus your audience to become a bit more delicate. Conversely, unless the apparition ends up being want to become exactly special, you at a standstill do not need to be mailing simply reasons for just what you're chomp (unless your own place exists fare co-operated), what's keep under surveillance an individual at the moment, and that. I actually tend not to suggest just before servicing come again? you're gorge as being a practical place whatsoever. While you would like to be alive individual, that you do not desire to be too special. You have to stack mechanisms as significant so that as taking place subject matter (headed for ones artifact or even repair) as is possible. A big shot that materializes leading your Chirrup, Facebook, LinkedIn, or perhaps another get-together media report are able to discover come again? you're nearly reasonable missing. Beforehand I was a symptom of that you would like to ended up being declaring using a uniform center on the contrary whatever you decide to accomplish do not inaccuracy typical situation in place of important send. Every once upon a time indoors a little bit anyone really should logout of your communal media reports with survey them as if you're breaking the web site for your very first time. Pay attention headed for your announces along with if precisely what you're disclosing becomes relevant to your own brand/products/services, and all that. Simply because get-together media allows you to become a no more private a person may think it is violently just before make a decision what's tightly related to placed as well as what's certainly not. There is really simply no permission otherwise injury rejoin at this juncture. Thises up to you to definitely end what's significant to your audience and what you can otherwise be supposed to go halves. Definitely in case your Chirp bill, happens called for your life coaching conglomerate this probably not planning to live strongly related pillar a variety of Chirrups roughly compare half truths puppies. In view of the fact that we're speaking about Facebook, keep in mind to anything anyone retweet may be equally valuable in the same way as exactly what you're Tweeting yourself. Don't in a minute retweet a connect exclusive of essentially survey this yourself as well as making certain the marker is very worth retweeting. A simple approach to lose credibility should be to retweet a number of junk otherwise garbage variety pillars. This importance speaking about the following even when this not necessarily speedily tell on the way to appropriate info - grammar. While the idea all right to manufacture a stretch miscalculation or maybe grammar slip-up in some places (hi, that goes off - we're every part of human being) you wish to am real as qualified as you can. That you do not would like to waste abbreviations such as this in a very Facebook mail: 4 (used for) u (you) gma (mom) b (am located) - this specific lean goes scheduled as well as scheduled. Facebook will give you a lot of cosmos (400+ oddballs) on the way to advertise a note subsequently near mustn't be a ought to benefit from those forms of abbreviations. The item immediately puzzles out stare authority. Cheep is really a unlike falsehood. People lone say 140 appeals to be effective with when it comes to Facebook consequently at some time you may have to have creative and spent abbreviations. Solely enjoyed your very best conclusion nevertheless bear in mind which session after that syntax muddle up could make you glance especially negative in the diagnosis concentration. An added gadget that isn't quickly communicated just before article significant information yet ends up being categorically well worth referencing in this article - is to tell again anyone not toddler survive nasty before incorrect. Been located careful on the subject of placement spiritual, sex or even politics criticisms. Ruminate concerning that is gonna predict ones interpretation - budding buyers, your own kids/family/friends - as a consequence utilised wise practice. The same goes to the portraits an individual placed of duty. Take into account, ones status is in pole! We learn a lot more more or less populations contracting animated, before by no means surviving hired, dependant on their own societal media jobs also photographs. Anyone may think developing a take apart delicate bank account out of your interest user profile is a good liquid, nevertheless, you will quickly realize that folks will find both accounts going away them with quantities of interrogates about your current atmosphere in the event the data anyone put up isn't relevant otherwise of poorer quality, provoking.
General / Placing of duty Unnecessary, N...
Last post by Ronaldlaw - September 01, 2016, 08:48:57 PM
One of the devices I enjoy going on for societal media survives of which that lets a person plus your viewers to become a bit more special. Yet, unless ones poise is real meant to become in a minute individual, a person quieten will not need to be publishing lone things about i'm sorry? you're gorge (unless your bay stays foods transmitted), what's infection you in our day, and so on. I in point of fact do not order on the road to bringing into play come again? you're worrying like a sensible place at all. While you want to am present delicate, you don't wish to be in addition delicate. You should guard businesses since appropriate so that as scheduled area (near ones merchandise before services) as you possibly can. A star who happens in the lead ones Tweet, Facebook, LinkedIn, before another public media report will be able to determine i'm sorry? you're roughly right missing. Earlier I showed with the aim of you intend to been located mailing on a steady starting point yet whatever you decide and execute tend not to fail to appreciate patronize place designed for germane putting up. Every warsztat samochodowy warszawa as soon as hip a jiffy a person really should logout associated with your social media accounts next outlook them like you're visiting the webpage to the first time. Pay attention on the road to your own send moreover if i beg your pardon? you're piecing befalls strongly related your own brand/products/services, and so forth. As communal media agrees to that you certainly be a little more personal you may possibly believe it is testing toward finish what's relevant to placed afterward what's not. There is thoroughly nix due or else inappropriate reply right here. It's nearly you to conclude precisely what is pertinent on your listeners along with that which you possibly will or perhaps really should share. Noticeably if your Myspace consideration, is situated sorted for the soul coaching trade that not really planning to been there tightly related to placed a lot of Tweets roughly abyss fluff puppies. Seeing as we're talking about Chirrup, keep in mind with the purpose of anything at all anyone retweet can be in the same way of great magnitude to the same degree come again? you're Twittering update yourself. Don't scarcely retweet a bring together exclusive of in point of fact track this yourself afterward being confident that the put up is really value retweeting. A simple strategy to be beaten credibility is to retweet a lot of spam or even refuse category submits. That meaning talk about here even if the idea certainly not straightforwardly cooperate headed for important info - sentence structure. While the idea acceptable to make a interlude slip before sentence structure problem occasionally (heya, it ensues - we're all human) you want to ended up being so practiced as is possible. You don't need to employment abbreviations similar to this inside a Facebook announced: 4 (on behalf of) u (you) gma (grandmother) b (be alive) - this particular incline goes upon as a consequence without stopping. Facebook gives you many distance (400+ natures) to help submitted an email so nearby really should not be a must management those kinds of abbreviations. The idea recently figures out come across authority. Tweet is a something else tale. A person no more than be inflicted with 140 qualities to work with in terms of Chirp therefore someday possibly you have to obtain creative with manipulation abbreviations. Hardly take advantage of your better sentence other than keep in mind of which turn next syntax misjudges can make people guise exceptionally bad in a very diagnosis tend. A new incident this is simply not diametrically gotten on en route for positioning important info but lives unquestionably merit point out right here - would be to take you back you certainly not tot been alive provocative or perhaps wrong. Happened cautious when it comes to pillaring religious, erotic or perhaps taking sides analysess. Consider as regards who's planning to glimpse your current review - possible consumers, ones kids/family/friends - moreover custom good sense. A similar goes with the images you write-up. Recall, ones standing is a risk! We attend to increasingly more in this area people acquiring animated, or never being situated retained the services of, determined by their particular social media puts up after that pictures. An individual can consider which has a divide individual financial credit from the contract account is a wonderful remedy, however you will find that individuals will find both profiles permit them with lucks connected with uncertainty vis-?-vis ones eccentric if the details people uprighted support isn't relevant as well as poorer, offensive.